Juan M. Godoy
Email: [email protected] | Office: AL 115 | Phone: (619) 594-6387
Juan M. Godoy was born in Barcelona, Spain. He received the Licenciado degree in Hispanic Philology at the Universidad Central de Barcelona in 1982, the M.A. in Spanish Literature at the University of California, Riverside in 1987, and the Ph.D. at the University of California, Berkeley in 1993. For three years prior to coming to the U.S., he taught in Spain at the high school and college levels. At both Riverside and Berkeley, he taught Spanish as a Graduate Student Instructor, earning awards for outstanding teaching at both institutions. He also held fellowships at both schools. After earning the doctorate, he taught courses in Catalan and Lorca at Berkeley. [During 1994-9, he was an Assistant Professor in the Hispanic Studies Department at Connecticut College.] His publications include a book, Cuerpo, desea e idea en la poesia de Luis Anotonio de Villena(Editorial Pliegos: Madrid, 1998) and two articles "Comedias y Comediantes, Revista quincenal (1909-1912): Al servicio de un teatro español de calidad," Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea 18 (1993), pp. 503-518, and "Villena, Mesquida: Materializing the Platonic Body," forthcoming in the proceedings of the Comparative Literature and Linguistics Symposium held at the University of California, Berkeley, April 17-19, 1997. At present he is a Professor at San Diego State University and is writing a second book, about twentieth-century Spanish poetry.